Pinot Noir Rosé 2023 - AOC Alsace

6,90 €
Grape 100% Pinot Noir
Information and Soil
Marl and sandstone soil | Certified High Environmental Value
Tasting notes

Robe: pink color | salmon refelctions
Bouquet: raspberry | redcurrant | floral notes
Taste: fresh attack | acidulous mid-palate | refreshing finish

Greedy accordings

Aperitif | Charcuterie platter | Barbecue
Fresh tomato and strawberry gazpacho
Red fruit crumble with whipped cream

Typologie Dry
Temperature 10 to 12 °C
Aging 2 years
Learn more
M anual harvest, light maceration of the grapes in the press to obtain the rosé color,
pneumatic pressing, maturation on fine lees during 6 month, filtration.
Analytical parameters
Degrees of Alcohol : 12.5% vol.
Residual Sugar : 2 g/l
Acidity H2SO4 : 3.89 g/l

Paiement sécurisé

CB, Visa, MasterCard

Forfait de Transport pour 6-12-18 Bouteilles

Franco de port à partir de 24 Bouteilles

Service client
